The World Gourmet Summit 2014 gastronomic experiences will not be complete without visiting chefs being hosted at Singapore’s finest establishments. You will get a rare chance to witness passionate culinary creations when the Hosting Establishments’ chefs collaborate with visiting chefs to redefine boundaries of traditional and modern gourmet cuisine.



Brasserie Gavroche

"Brasserie Gavroche celebrates the quintessential spirit of Paris, and the timeless classic culinary art. Chancing upon the charming conservation shophouse on Tras Street, the concept of Brasserie Gavroche came into fruition. True to the ethos of the Parisian spirit, Chef Frédéric Colin presents a menu where authentic Parisian classics are prepared according to his grandfather’s age-old recipes, many of which made up the comfort food from his youth.

With a passion for cooking and love for great produce, Brasserie Gavroche’s cuisine is timeless. Be delighted with the Pate en croute et foie gras – his grandfather’s baked pork terrine pie with duck liver, a wonderful cold appetizer that has not been seen on menus for over a decade. As is the highly recommended Quenelle de poisson sauce Nantua – Grandpa Henri’s fish quenelle with crayfish sauce. Typically served in a brasserie, the quenelle is filled a mixture of painstaking, hand grated pike fish fillets and a light dough, shaped and finally oven baked, before served with the accompanying, delicious crayfish bisque."


Fromage de tête, sauce ravigotte
Pork Brawn Terrine with Vinaigrette


Magret de canard sauce a l’orange, pommes château

Roasted Duck Breast and Orange Sauce, Sautéed Potatoes


Bleu d’Auvergne en tartine, pruneaux a l’Armagnac
Blue Cheese from Auvergne, Marinated Prunes in Armagnac


Ile flottante aux pralines roses

Poached Meringue on Crème Anglaise with Pink Pralines

Menu priced at $88++ Per Person

10% off for all Citibank Card Holders for
15% off for all Prestige and Ultima Citibank Card Holders

Business Hours:
Mon-Fri: 11:30am - 2:30pm

Mon-Sat: 6:30pm - Late

*Closed on Sundays
66 Tras Street, Singapore 079005
+65 6225 8266

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