Clos Figueres, Priorat, Spain
Purchased by Christopher Cannan on the advice of René Barbier of Clos Mogodor in 1997, Clos Figueres lies on terraced slopes just north of Gatallops. The soil of pure schist is responsible for producing the finest wines of the region. The vineyard contains around 2500 old Carignan and Grenache vines planted over 20 years ago. The wines produced at Clos Figueres are in line to become the best of the region, thanks to the tender care of the vineyards, vinification and aging carried out by Rene Barbier’s team. Clos Figueres will also be presenting its second wine, ‘Font de la Figuera’ at this year’s World Gourmet Summit.
Hosted at: The Sentosa Resort & Spa
Vintner: Christopher Cannan   
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