Page 47 - MEnu Booklet 2021
P. 47

Permata Singapore                                                     PARTNER RESTAURANTS

               Offering over 60 Nusantara-inspired dishes for both lunch and dinner,
               Executive Chef Firdauz Nasir is on a mission to elevate Nusantara cuisine
               in Singapore while ensuring that key nostalgic dishes such as Ulam,
                                   Kerabu, Lemang remain on the menu.

               Pushing the boundaries in his cooking, Executive Chef Nasir has added
               modern twists to the menu with dishes like Wagyu Beef Rendang, Ayam
               Binjai, Tempoyak Ikan Patin that pairs perfectly well with Nasi Bunga
                                Telang, Permata’s Signature Blue Pea Rice.

                                                           73 Sultan Gate, Gedung Kuning,
                                                           Singapore 198497

                                                           Tel: (65) 9082 9941

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