Penderyn Distillery is a boutique whisky distillery located in Wales, in a small but historic village known as Penderyn. A group of friends conceived the idea of setting up the first whisky distillery in Wales in the late 1990s. The idea became a reality on 1 March 2004, in the presence of HRH Prince Charles.

Distilling in Wales was a lost art for centuries, but not anymore. With Penderyn pushing its frontiers, whisky from Wales is gaining an excellent reputation worldwide.

The distillery boasts of a few things which other distilleries do not have. One of their prized possessions is their single copper-pot stills. Dr David Faraday, a descendant of the famous Victorian scientist, Michael Faraday, designed the copper-pot stills. Penderyn produces whisky from the copper-pot still and yields a flavourful spirit of high strength and purity. The clean spirit comes with great complexity, depth and finesse that translate to the flavourful whiskies that Penderyn is famous for.

Spirits Castle  is the sole distributor of Penderyn in Singapore. You can find the various expressions of Penderyn whiskies retailing at Vom Fass (Ion Orchard) and Providore (Downtown Gallery).
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