True Aussie Beef & Lamb
  • Gastronomic Partner
    Meat Partner
At Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) our goal is to help food professionals in America achieve success with Australian beef and lamb. It starts with educating chefs, retailers and the food community at large about Australia's unique pasture-based production practices and how all those family farms add up to our place in the dynamic global protein supply chain. We are also directly involved with culinary support through product development and menu ideation. When Aussie meat hits the menu or the meat case, we are there with customized marketing, from resource support to full creative activations. All the while, our social media and consumer outreach help build a hunger for Aussie grassfed beef and lamb.

Cattle, sheep and goat rancher levies fund MLA's work, along with funding from the processing sector and, in the research area, through Australian government matching funds.
Tel +1 202 521 2551
Address 1100 Vermont Ave NW Suite 550, Washington D.C. 20005, USA
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