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Louis Tay

Chef Louis, embarked on his career in the culinary field in 1981. Over the span of 32 years of his career path, he has gained a wealth of exposure, knowledge and experience from Westin Stamford & Westin Plaza, Raffles Hotel, The Fullerton Hotel, SwissĂ´tel Merchant Court Singapore and The Tanglin Club. 
Chef Louis has also gained numerous awards, culinary medals and recognition from both local & international held competitions, such as the renowned Food & Hotel Asia. In the prestigious EXPOGAST 98 Culinary World Cup, Luxembourg, he was part of the Singapore National Culinary Team that was crowned as world champion. 
He has also received several other notable awards. Chef Louis is an accredited judge of the World Association of Chefs Societies and has been the jury for culinary competitions in various parts of the world.
Establishment: Singapore Chefs Association