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Qian YiBin
Taste Fusion Creative Kitchen was established by one of the highly talented young chefs in China, Qian YiBin. Chef YiBin specialises in Chinese avant-garde cuisine where he employs the use of Western techniques and his strong foundation in cooking to coax out the best flavours in delicate ingredients. Diners of his are always in for a surprise as they get an exciting and extensive range of creative dishes to try in the menu. Chef YiBin believes in creating food that is not only spectacular in taste, but highly nutritious in value too.. Sticking to the most basics in culinary progression to trigger diners taste buds, from production steps, sauces ratio…etc to the latest technology to highlight the development of innovative dishes.

Country Based In: China
Establishment: Wei Fusion Kitchen
Hosted at: TungLok Signatures, Orchard Parade Hotel
Presented By:

Events Information
Tuesday 12 April 2016 - Friday 15 April 2016

WGS Epicurean Delights featuring Qian YiBin

Price: Lunch
$108 ++ per person

$168 ++ per person
Event Closed

Tuesday 12 April 2016
Hands-on workshop featuring Qian YiBin
Price: $98+
Event Closed