
World Gourmet Club is a worldwide Gourmet umbrella organisation.
World Gourmet Summit
was also held in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Click here to
know what were the main events in WGS
'97, '98. and
on for news about the F&B scene in Singapore and the region.If you
want to know who’s been appointed to a top post, what other hotels
and F&B establishments are doing in terms of promotions and who’s
the chef of the month, plus events, this is the place to look.
If there's
any magazine that is read by chefs and cuisine-lovers worldwide, this
is the one. Available now on our website, readers can read up on current
issues, or search our archives for past issues of interest.More
New Asia Cuisine & Wine Scene runs a weekly electronic magazine (e-zine)
on what’s happening in the food and service industry in the region
and beyond. |
Recipe Database provides you with a collection of the choicest of
the recipes from Master Chefs. Here is your chance to view some of
the most exquisite delights at a single click!
More |