Canadian Beef International Institute

Meat Partner
Gastronomic Partner

Each and every day, Canadian beef is produced and delivered with pride and tradition. As exceptional as the land on which it is raised, Canadian beef is excellence without compromise. Canada Beef has and followed 4 important brand pillars. In order to understand the Canadian Beef Story, you must look more closely to see how it is realized, day-to-day, in the beef itself, in the people who produce it, in the rigour and expertise involved and in the care and attention given to the environment.

Pillar One: Product – Canadian beef is raised under ideal conditions for high quality and graded with standards that go well beyond the norm. Canadas northern climate with long summer days and crisp cold winter enables Canadians to breed and raise cattle with the very best genetics for beef production. the country is rich in both grass for grazing and grin crops for feed, with clean air and water, and lots of space to roam. Canadian beef is recognized worldwide as a premium food and some of the best beef in the world.

Pillar Two: Producer – Canadian beef is handcrafted from start to finish. Canadian beef producers are active, hardworking, dedicated, honest, careful, kind, friendly and diligent. There are beef farmers and ranchers in every province in Canada, striving to bring good food to your table and working to be good stewards of the land and animals in their care. Together they make up some 68,000 ranchers across the country. individually they are families, large and small, for whom cattle ranching and farming is not just a business; it’s a way of life.

Pillar Three: World Class Standard – People worldwide recognize Canada for its high level of scientific and technological sophistication as well as its deep commitment to honesty, ethics, and a deep respect for rules and regulations. In Canada, we do what’s right with care and precision. Canada’s reputation for high standards and technological expertise is unsurpassed in the global beef industry.

Pillar Four: Sustainability - Canada is blessed with a pristine, clean environment, rich in natural resources. Because our natural bounty is so precious and so important, it is understandable that Canadians work hard to preserve it. Canada is known for being both clean and having honest people. Canadians are financially and socially responsible, committed to protecting and preserving economic, environmental and social sustainability. We look out for each other and the land that we’re on, and our cattle ranchers are certainly part of this story.

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Proudly Presents

Tuesday 28 March 2017
Canadian Flavours ft. Quentin Glabus
Price: $188+ pp
Event Closed