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The Knolls, Capella Singapore

The Knolls is one of Singapore's finest Mediterranean restaurants with a showcase of authentic specialties from the Mediterranean sea created by Spanish chef Cristia Nou Picart. The sumptuous fare includes a generous selection of tapas to share, carefully selected main courses and delectable homemade desserts. Guests will enjoy The Knolls' intimate inviting atmosphere coupled with unparalleled professional service. Enjoy a wide variety of quality choices and have a leisurely family meal on the terrace overlooking the reflecting pools and distant sea.

17, 18 & 20 April


Venaisson terrine pears and chocolate chutney

Warm scallop chocolat crust and daikon

Roasted Pigeon breast  bitter chocolat  sauce,  hazelnut cauliflower puree

Dessert by “Paco & Jacob ”
Huevo de Oro de Bigas Luna
Bigas Luna Golden Egg

4 mignardises by “Paco & Jacob”


20 & 21 April

Trufa de trufa

Sable de cítricos tómate y albahaca
Citric, Tomato and basil sable 

La milhoja de caramelo con frambuesa y hojas de menta
Caramel millefeuille with raspberry and mint leaves

Bola de crema de vainilla y crocante
Vanilla cream sphere and crocant

Tartaleta 70% y su crujiente
70% chocolate tart with its crocant

Chocolate azafrán
Saffron and chocolate

Tartaleta con fruta de la pasión caramelizada
Caramelized passion fruit tart

Sable de vino y aceite de olive
Wine and olive oil sable


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*Menu updated as of 15 Mar
Address: 1 The Knolls, Sentosa Island Singapore 098297
Tel: (65) 6591 5046
Cuisine: Mediterranean
Hosting Chefs: David Senia
Hosted Guests: Paco and Jacob Torreblanca