WGS International Food & Beverage Forum, 27 April 2001

Session 5 - Food & Beverage Marketing and Promotions, 3.00 pm

Successful marketing - the winning formula

Keynote Speaker :

MPS Puri (Raffles International)

MPS Puri
Raffles International

Marketing and promotion tactics have revolutionized with the constant demands and increased competitive pressure. Many of the food and beverage outlets have the ability to produce high quality products but not all of them have the resources to advertise or to promote themselves. In this session, the importance of a good marketing strategy and the question of this element will be explored. Can a product sell without marketing?

Being a highly competitive world, food establishments are in the constant battle of increasing market share and recognition. Marketers have thus, embarked on countless tactics and promotions to capture consumers' interests. How could food and beverage professionals and hospitality establishments conceptualize an effective marketing plan? Which is more important - the concept of the core product, which then the marketing plans will revolve around it or should the marketing plans be established in the initial stage and the product to be adapted subsequently? How could one identify the best methods and plans to make it successful? And how should one go about measuring the effectiveness?


Keynote speaker will introduce and give a presentation of the topic. The time allocated will be 30 minutes for presentation. Questions could be thrown to the audience at the end of the presentation