Jeffrey Soh
Jeffrey Soh
Mr Jeffrey Soh is the Managing Director of Fabristeel. Under his leadership, Fabristeel is pledging to move towards future expansion in the Southeast Asian region, with a focus on sustainability. To Mr Soh, this is the future that corporations have to go to resolve the sustainability issue that has been plaguing the culinary and hospitality world.

He believes that one of the important factors at Fabristeel is ensuring that they have the right parts, and also believes that sustainability is the new frontier and branch of business that he is leading Fabristeel towards. Those aspects include labour saving, waste management, environment improvement, and menu redesign. He also believes in a more inclusive manner of employee development, ensuring less paranoia, and more consistent delivery of service in Fabristeel employees through the years. Thanks to those beliefs, the team at Fabristeel are empowered to make business decisions and the right response to their customers, with the proper training of Fabristeel employees to ensure proper consistency in quality and accountability, but also helps to bring more jobs into the region, trained professionally and who can train others in the same way as well.

Country Singapore
Hosting Establishment Fabristeel
Designation Sustainability Guest Speaker