Culinary Masterclass
The Fullerton Singapore

Presented by:
Ryuichi Yoshii
Yoshii Restaurant, Australia

Steamed Snapper and Mango with
Sakura Flavoured Sauce

  Serves 6
1 x 300g


medium-sized snapper
Japanese shiso (basil) leaf, chopped
A small sprig of chives, chopped
fresh cream
fresh mango, thinly sliced
  Sakura Flavoured Sauce
dashi (bonito stock)
salted cherry blossom leaves, rinsed
Mirin1, to taste
Light soy sauce2 and salt3, to taste
Potato starch, dissolved in water

Cherry blossom leaves
dried bonito4 (dried fish flakes)
konbu5 (dried seaweed)
Recommended Japanese Brands
1. Hinode
2. Higashimaru
3. Hakata No Shio
4. Marumoto Hanakatuo
5. Tonkusen Yamadashi Konbu
For the Steamed Snapper and Mango: Carefully slice the snapper into 3 fillets, keeping the skin intact. Peel off the skin and set aside. Mince the flesh to a smooth paste. Mix the minced fish with shiso, the chives and cream.
Stretch out the 3 pieces of snapper skin on individual sheets of cling film laid on a flat work surface and spread the fish mixture evenly over the skins. Top the fish mixture with a slice of mango and then roll up by using the cling film. Place the rolls in a prepared steamer and steam for about 10 minutes. Slice each roll into 2 pieces.
For the Sakura Flavoured Sauce: Bring the dashi to a boil in a pot, then add the cherry blossom leaves and remove the pot from heat but keep warm. Allow the cherry blossom leaves to infuse for a while, then season the sauce to taste with mirin, light soy sauce and salt. Thicken the sauce with a little dissolved potato starch.